How Your Umbrella Sets the Vibe for the Ultimate Instagram Shot?

Create the ultimate pina colada cocktail and its final touch will always be that small cocktail umbrella - calling out “take my picture!” Your AMMSUN Umbrella acts similarly. Adding the touch that makes outdoor events photo-worthy for social sharing.
Umbrellas make an impressive photograph. From intricate designs and vibrant hues, to their iconic shapes and engaging sizes, umbrellas stand out as stunning stars of photography. Over time we’ve refined the art of photographing umbrellas, so here are a few professional tips that’ll help you take stunning shots of your AMMSUN setup!
Master Exposure for an Ideal Umbrella Shot
Appropriate exposure is essential when taking great photos of an umbrella, and most smartphones automatically adjust exposure, which may prove challenging since umbrellas often create a mix of bright and shaded areas in the frame.
Switch your camera over to manual or pro mode to take complete control over exposure adjustments manually.
iPhone users: Press and hold on the part of the frame you wish to focus on before sliding your finger up or down to adjust exposure. On Android phones: Though options vary widely between models, many offer Pro mode or use similar techniques as iPhones to control exposure settings.
Pro Tip: Determine which part of your photo to emphasize. Perhaps you want an umbrella with bright lighting even though the sky appears overexposed. We usually advise slightly underexposing (making your shots darker), since brightening darker photos is easier than brightening ones that were overexposed initially.
Capture Umbrella Magic during Golden Hour
Photographing umbrellas requires careful timing. For optimal photos, wait until just after sunrise or just before sunset when the sun has dropped lower into the sky. When shooting during this special time, your photos should turn out beautifully!

Why “Golden Hour”? At this time of day, sunlight becomes warmer and softer due to atmospheric particles dispersing light near the horizon, providing even lighting across subjects and their environments resulting in balanced exposure, reduced harsh shadows, and an alluring glow for umbrella photos.
Pro photographers know how to make the most of “Golden Hour”. It provides the ideal conditions to showcase Instagram posts with visual impact! Don’t miss this twice-a-day chance to create visually striking photographs using AMMSUN umbrellas!
Master Framing and Composition for Instagram-Worthy Umbrella Photos
Framing an umbrella correctly to make its beauty shine in Instagram photos is key for its successful capture. Umbrellas with their distinct shapes and proportions may present challenges when trying to fit them within traditional portrait or square frames. Here is how you can compose perfect umbrella shots:
Start from the basics by turning on your phone’s grid feature. This brings up a "Rule-of-Thirds" guide - an ageless rule in photography and design - which you should position key elements of your umbrella such as its mast or edge of canopy against one of these grid lines to make the image more balanced, pleasing, and natural engaging.
Consider what story and ambience you wish to convey when shooting photos for AMMSUN Umbrellas. We prefer shooting under sunny blue skies with gentle breezes - this allows the vibrant colors and designs of their umbrellas to stand out against an uncluttered background and become the focal point.
Leverage negative space. Don’t fill every inch of space within your frame with objects. Sometimes the strength of an amazing photo lies in what’s missing. Leaving ample negative space draws focus to your umbrella - adding visual interest and remaining visually striking and impactful. A minimalistic composition may often appear more striking.
Take time and care in framing carefully and your umbrella shots will stand out on Instagram feed!
Master the Angle to Elevate Umbrella Photography
Human eyes have an incredible capacity for adapting quickly to visual stimuli from one perspective: eye level. Most photos posted on social media from this height feature similar-looking shots. To ensure your umbrella shots stand out more, consider switching the angle!
Low Angles: Take pictures at low angles so as to evoke an impression of grandeur by positioning your camera under an umbrella and looking up. This technique makes your umbrella seem larger-than-life while emphasizing its design against the sky.

High Angles: Shoot from above looking down. This perspective conveys coziness and security - ideal for showing a relaxing setup beneath an AMMSUN Umbrella.

Craft a visual story. Your photos don’t simply depict snapshots. They tell a narrative! By playing around with angles and composition techniques, your umbrella shots can become captivating scroll-stoppers on Instagram and become part of an incredible scrolling experience for other Instagrammers.
Careful angles combined with proper exposure and framing create stunning photographs, reflecting not only your unique style but also setting trends in outdoor aesthetics.
Have a stunning snap featuring your AMMSUN Umbrella that you want to show us? Please share it - we would be thrilled to see and celebrate your work and creativity! Keep experimenting and snapping away!