How Much Wind Can A Beach Umbrella Take?

What left the deepest impression on you during the summer? I bet the beach holds special memories for many outdoor summer enthusiasts. When we head to the beach, umbrellas are must for us, just as wind is indispensable to the beach. But strong winds often threaten a perfect beach day experience. Understanding when wind speed becomes excessive can ensure an enjoyable visit at seaside.
What Wind Speed Should be Too Strong for Your Beach Umbrella?
If your beach umbrella has become vulnerable due to high wind speeds, knowing its resistance capacity will enable you to decide when it should be stored away or closed and closed off properly.
The National Weather Service issues wind advisories under two specific conditions. When there is the possibility of sustained winds of 30 mph for one hour and frequent gusts up to 45 mph in the next 36 hours.
However, that does not imply anything less severe isn’t damaging. When purchasing a beach umbrella for seaside trips, we expect it to withstand all forms of weather. However, there might be limits as to what your umbrella can manage.
What we advise is closing your beach umbrella when wind velocity exceeds 15-20 mph. As a general guideline, your umbrella should never remain open under conditions where your comfort cannot be assured.
Keeping Your Beach Umbrella Open Under 20 mph Wind Speed
Wind speeds of 10-15mph can typically be considered breezy, making your beach umbrella secure and safe to use. As winds increase to 15-20 mph however, challenges emerge that require you to use extra care if leaving it open. When winds exceed 20-30 mph intensity increases exponentially - though less severe than an actual storm situation it still could compromise its integrity.
Therefore, to protect the longevity of your beach umbrella it is wise not to keep it open when wind speeds exceed 20 mph.
Wind forces that exceed normal levels may penetrate umbrella ribs and place great stress on its structure, placing further strain on it than normally imagined. Most beach umbrellas on the market today are constructed using lightweight materials which make them easier to operate and transport. However, when subjected to strong winds they may collapse under its weight and be easily blown over in strong gusts.
Choose a Wind-Resistant Beach Umbrella for Windy Conditions
Without proper maintenance and attention, an umbrella may not last. But this does not indicate its quality is inferior. Even premium products need regular inspection and care in order to remain functional for an extended period.
As a general guideline, beach umbrellas should not be used in winds exceeding 20 mph. If you must use one at winds between 15-20 mph, choose a wind-resistant product instead. Although these windproof umbrellas may appear similar to standard beach umbrellas at first glance, their construction differs significantly and they work by controlling air flow within its canopy.
First and foremost, umbrellas feature vents to disperse air. As wind gusts pass over them, these vents direct some of their flow underneath the fabric allowing it to move around or underneath without causing as much damage.
Further, having a sturdy support pole and anchor that won’t easily blow away is beneficial. Sand anchors provide your first line of defense against beach umbrellas flying away. Unlike traditional methods that simply push them into the sand, a well-designed sand anchor provides a stable base.
Ideally, however, closing your beach umbrella if the wind becomes uncomfortable is probably the best choice - you shouldn’t use it in any case!
How Can You Know Whether the Beach Umbrella is Wind-Resistant?
Wind-resistant beach umbrellas can be an invaluable asset in high wind situations. An easy way to determine whether they represent good value is by checking their wind rating. A higher wind rating indicates rigorous wind resistance testing which ensures it won’t quickly be damaged and lasts longer.
Real-world testing is often the go-to way for manufacturers to gauge how well their beach umbrellas would fare under unpredictable natural environments. Beach umbrellas are transported around to various sites around the country in order to determine how well they would hold up under various scenarios.
Product evaluation requires time and patience, yet can yield accurate results that customers can rely on effectively. By testing products in their intended environments, customers can get an idea of their performance and durability.
Helpful Tips to Prevent Your Beach Umbrella from Flying Away
Reading your umbrella instructions first is key to setting it up safely on the beach. Our tips below should guide you towards staying out of the sun, while your umbrella’s instruction manual should know all about its canopy best.
Start by checking the wind’s direction. Flags may help indicate its movement. You could also grab a handful of sand and note its flow. Avoid picking an area between two buildings or dunes, where wind funneling could occur.
Stabilize. When selecting an ideal spot, avoid slopes. Space near water tends to be flatter and compacted with moist sand beneath its surface which will help your umbrella remain steady. Once you find one that meets all these criteria, clear away a square-foot’s worth of loose sand - this should make reaching firmer layers below easier!
Your beach umbrella was constructed to withstand outdoor weather conditions. However, extreme situations should not put it through its paces. As with anything pushed beyond its limit or capacity, breaking or tear may occur. But it does not equate with poor product quality or workmanship.
AMMSUN Umbrellas offers windproof umbrellas so you won’t accidentally gift other beachgoers with one! Our collection offers several umbrella models built for maximum resilience against high winds. So rest easy knowing none will go flying away during beach visits!
As with anything used correctly, beach umbrellas should last quite some time with proper care taken to extend their useful lifespan. When used appropriately they should last even longer so ensure to take good care in using and caring for it!