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Will Your Umbrella Protect You From the Sun?

Will Your Umbrella Protect You From the Sun?

Have a sunny day planned ahead, or want to spend some quality time enjoying it all outside?

Are you worried about sunburn and its accompanying discomfort?

People tend to believe umbrellas do an effective job of shielding from UV radiation and providing extra protection.

But that doesn't explain everything - it actually depends on many factors.

Not everyone understands all the factors which may impede upon the effectiveness of their umbrella in providing adequate sun protection to protect themselves and their skin from UV radiation.

Follow our handy guide and discover everything there is to know about enjoying the sun safely with an AMMSUN umbrella!

How Can I Tell If My Skin Has Been Sunburnt?

As soon as you're out in the sun too long without proper protection, signs of sunburn will emerge. At first, your skin might begin to heat up which may be both uncomfortable and mildly irritating;

Soon your skin might then turn red or pink, and you could even see darker patches forming beneath the surface. In severe cases, your skin may even take on a purple tint.

When this occurs, applying sunscreen daily until your skin heals completely is absolutely important. Once back home and away from direct sunlight, be sure to wash off any makeup or products that may have offered some protection while you were in the sun. Some makeup may have UV filters which help but they're far less useful than sunscreen itself.

Aloe vera gel or soothing moisturizer are effective ways of soothing sunburnt skin and relieving inflammation, while drinking plenty of water (sunburn can lead to dehydration) is vital in order to stay hydrated. Avoid further sun exposure by covering up with loose, breathable clothing or staying in the shade until your skin recovers. If your sunburn is severe, with blistering or intense pain, you should seek medical advice.

Can Umbrellas Help Prevent Sunburn?

Umbrellas provide several forms of sun damage prevention: blocking sunlight and absorbing its damaging rays. But their primary function lies in scattering light, keeping you cool by dissipating excess heat and protecting skin against direct sun exposure.

Once opened, an umbrella quickly begins blocking most direct sunlight, thus limiting exposure to damaging UV rays that reach your skin. Furthermore, light inside an umbrella scatters more widely, lessening their intensity so as not to penetrate deep and cause burns or blisters.

Sitting under shade reduces your risk of sunburn significantly. That’s why umbrellas have become such an integral part of enjoying outdoor summer fun - they act as shields allowing us to spend more time outside without worry over sunburn!

What Factors Need to be Taken into Consideration?

Several factors and features of umbrellas play a role in keeping you protected from sunlight and UV rays.


Thicker materials tend to be effective at blocking light due to their tightly packed molecules forming a shield between UV rays and your skin. Metal umbrellas(more sturdy) often reflect more sunlight onto you instead of deflecting it away. Furthermore they trap heat under their canopy which makes you feel hotter compared to plastic umbrellas(less sturdy). Make trade-offs as needed.

B.Size and Shape

Generally, larger umbrellas scatter more light, providing better coverage. The shape also matters - round umbrellas tend to bounce light around inside the canopy, while square-shaped ones allow more light to pass through. And of course, the umbrella needs to be big enough to fully cover you for optimal protection.


Umbrella color can have an effect on its performance. White umbrellas reflect more light while Black ones absorb it off more effectively, which might make them more helpful in keeping you safe on hot days(but hotter). So light colors like white and blue achieve perfect balance. Choosing them will help shield away UV rays while providing relief and keeping temperatures down.

How Does Sunburn Happen?

Sunlight exposure to harmful UV radiation, without adequate protection from sunscreens or similar measures, can seriously compromise the structure of your skin - including DNA in cells.

Have you experienced sunburn before? You know its pain can be excruciating. But it’s not just about the pain - you also need to be cautious about long-term exposure. Limiting your time in direct sunlight can help maintain your overall health.

Longer exposure to the sun can have more serious repercussions than burns. It could result in skin cancer, dry skin issues, headaches or sunstroke. Therefore it's wise to enjoy sunny days while protecting yourself properly.

Where to Find Quality Sun-Blocking Umbrellas?

AMMSUN offers an incredible selection of umbrellas designed to protect you from harmful UV rays. From UV-resistant materials and vibrant designs perfect for beach outings, we combine style and function for optimal outdoor experience!

Umbrellas may provide useful protection from the sun's harmful rays. However, they shouldn't replace other sun safety measures such as sunscreen application and protective clothing wearing throughout your day. With the right combination of protection, you can enjoy the sunny outdoors without the risk of sunburn.




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